Sunday, June 19, 2011


wow. can't believe it's been months since my last post. haha. it has happened before though. hmm. let's see. what can i update on, or more like where should i start.
sighs. well, reading my old posts again made me feel like such a grown up looking back on my 'younger days'. SPM was over so long ago, so was my schooling life. there's just so many other things that has taken over my life.
what are they? hmm. mainly it would be him. He's been my main priority for the past 6 months and more. I guess that was unhealthy in a way coz i didnt give him enough space and it lead to many pushy and rude arguements and very little understnading.
but everything happens for a reason and you just gotta respect God's plan for you. *as hard as it may seem. =(
i dunno why when i write on my blog i start talking bout things i've never spoken before. dangerous la this blogging thing. haha. but it really help you uncover so many sides of your life. =) who knew right?
well lemme summarize it a lil bit la.

-currently doing my degree in relaxing.
-enrolled in University of Nottingham for Foundation in Engineering programme July intake.
-sis will be coming back around the time i'll be starting my studies.
-he'll be doing his STPM here in taiping.

*he just sent a text saying he likes my smile. =) funny fellow.

my relationship with him is another one of life's unexplainable mysteries. maybe that's why it's beautiful in a way. okay. enough about that. all my posts somehow end up being about him. let's spice it up a lil bit eh? =)

being 18 is real transition phase. you know they always say teenagers are the 'in between'. they get stuck whether to be children or to be grown ups. lets just say 18 is the peak of that 'stuck' phase. you gotta make very important decisions yet you can't make major decisions. sighs. what can i say. critical point of life. what's the solution? DROP IT. don't think too much. dont eat yourself up every time you innocently upset another. accept it. accept it all. it helps you grow. *a thought just came to my mind, he'd say 'real grandmother la you' everytime i talk this much.


enough said for now.

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