Monday, July 26, 2010


trials are so freaking near but im not terrified enough! well. if i really was extremely terrified then i'd be studying 24/7 or something but nope. still pretty relaxed over here. oh well. amen to that anyway. =)

i've been checking out this cool pair of Nike's online. they're the 6.0 series and much to my despair its not in Malaysia. not yet anyway. hmmm. but they're the nicest i've seen. im willing to push that aside for now. =(

thanu will be leaving for Cuba in seconds(27days). 6 years is a very long time but she'll do fine im sure. i mean she's so into medicine and stuff, she'll definitely pull through. =) while she's gonna be there achieving her dream to be a doctor, i wonder where i'll be in the next six years. NS is gonna steal away 3 months. =( positive thinking dee. =) hmmm. maybe college. psychology. engineering. local. private. thought about all of that so much i finally decided to just let things take place on its own. especially since i keep changing my mind so often. oh man. i promised myself i'd log out 24 minutes ago. study timetable not working 100% for me. LOL. okay. study time.